BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH


Teacher’s Professional Development

Early school leaving and poor student performance (still) seems to be an important issue within several member states of the EU as the results of dropping out of the education system can cause higher unemployment and marginalisation, inter alia. The importance of developing dropout prevention strategies to resolve such students‘ disengagement process as early as possible has therefore been focused on in some projects.

The THRIVE project is based on research indicating most powerful way to achieve this is through professional learning and offering educators in early childhood education learn effective practices in non-formal education that they can use when facing daily challenges, like classroom management, school culture, parent relations, communication with students and other teachers etc. In particular, “THRIVE” is a professional development strategy that aims at improving teachers’ quality by enhancing techniques of students’ performance and motivation in learning, in order to subsequently eliminate the likelihood of students drop out of school.

EU-Program: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for school education
Coordination: IASIS NGO (Greece
Contact: Karin Kronika
Duration: October 2015 - September 2017

This project (project n° 2015-1-EL01-ΚΑ201-013917) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.