BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH


Self-directed Learning for Low-skilled Unemployed People

According to forecasts of employment trends, skill requirements for jobs are increasing, whereas job opportunities for low-skilled and unskilled workers are facing a dramatic decline. Since learning has become a necessary precondition for successful employment, the concept of “self-directed learning” can be a solution for this dilemma.

Guidelines and Tool Box

The project will have two didactic deliverables: The “Guidelines” and a “Tool Box”. The “Guidelines for integration of self-directed learning into vocational education and training of low-skilled unemployed persons” will focus on:

  • Creation of environments for action oriented and practically oriented learning
  • Learning contents for improving the competences of learners
  • Support structures for trainers
  • Organisational and structural requirements for self-directed learning environments
  • Consideration of gender mainstreaming aspects in all parts of the training process
  • Introduction of diversity management in the training regarding the various cultural and social backgrounds of the learners

The “Tool Box” will consist of a collection of methods directed at different target groups and attributed to this new didactic approach.

Analysing tender specifications

The project also addresses another issue: “How can innovative project results be transferred into the funded training mainstream?” Currently, the most effective barriers from doing so are the tender specifications from funding organisations, which do not allow for high flexibility. Therefore, our project will develop models to show how tender specifications can be modified in order to allow for more flexibility.

The project partnership

The project consortium comprises 21 partners from 11 countries. The multi-actor partnership comprises, apart from the expert and development partners, six labour market administration organisations and four social partners.

Coordination: BEST Training
Contact: Helmut Kronika
Duration: October 2004 - March 2007

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.