BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH


Europe is currently under an ageing population stage and this, together with the reduction of public spending on health in some countries, it causes the need of more home care services. Even though the employability level is high, the majority of home care workers don’t have adequate training.

CARE4U provides an online knowledge sharing platform for the achievement of skills and competences in the home care sector.

Experienced people from Austria, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom support learning new skills, sharing experience or gaining new contacts and opportunities in addition with a serious of handbooks addressing professionals to future care givers.

EU-Program: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Coordination: HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL (Spain)
Contact: Karin Kronika
Duration: September 2017 - August 2019

This project (Projektnr.: 2017-1-ES01-KA204-038543) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.