BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH


Training and Validation of Adults


Knowledge acquired at school and college, in combination with our professional tasks and various situations in everyday life, make us more informed, skilled and competent. Very often people are not aware of this fact and process. According to the French writer Andre Malraux, “the best education is the one you don’t even notice”.

The main purpose of this project is to help people realize what they have already learned – at school, at work and in everyday life – and take better chance of it, to raise their own employability, career opportunities and welfare; to make visible all their qualities and skills obtained in non-formal or informal ways and promote them as successful experience and result.

“AdValue” intends to promote validation of non-formal and informal learning and help adults develop and assess key transferable skills during lifetime.

Main Product

The main project output will be a Compendium of the training programme and validation system for 10 key transferable skills.

This is jointly being elaborated by partners from 6 European countries. The Compendium will be directed at a wide range of beneficiaries: adult learners; training institutions, educators, HR specialists; managers and employers; experts, decision makers, institutions and other counterparts.

The project products are based on proven training approaches and assessment tools for transferable skills and integrate best practice and experience from all partner countries. Additionally, the project brings together experts and employers in the development of descriptors of the results from lifelong learning.

The final compendium will be available on the website and disseminated on DVD in 6 European languages. On a strategic level, the project contributes to promote the elaboration of methods for the validation of skills and competencies acquired in non-formal and informal learning. Through a variety of dissemination activities, the products shall reach large numbers of potential end-users across Europe.

EU-Program: LLP, Grundtvig Multilateral Projects
Coordination: Business Foundation for Education (Sofia, BGR)
Contact: Karin Kronika
Duration: December 2010 – November 2012

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.