Création d'une bibliothèque europeenne Creating a Virtual European Library
Reading and writing deficits are a wide-spread problem all over Europe. However, most literacy courses lack learners’ motivation, interest in reading and writing , as well as knowledge about the use and the value of texts written. |
In this project, learners have been empowered to write, and at the same time their motivation for writing has been increased. By creating their own library, where learners have the possibility to produce their own entries, to publish them, as well as to read texts written by others, curiosity and interest in texts written by others, in peoples’ origin and culture can be developed. Thus, not only the learning process and outputs improve, but also the sense of a Europe without boundaries gets promoted.
The main aims of the projects:
- finding out different possibilities for “writing workshops” and setting up a virtual European library for gathering and disseminating trainees’ out-puts.
- creating an efficient tool for dealing with reading and writing in literacy courses, which allows updating and diversification of resources for clients attending training according to their own interests
- taking into account any kind of written output, whatever the learner’s level could be, in order to design and build a tool that can be used on training and from which appropriated learning can be built
EU-Program: | Socrates-Grundtvig |
Coordination: | IRFA Sud |
Contact: | Helmut Kronika |
Duration: | August 2005 - July 2007 |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |