Emotional Intelligence and Social Sensitivity in Health Care |
Across the European Countries, including Turkey, during the past decades major changes have occurred in the health care systems and structure. The health care reforms are often part of much wider social and economic changes and social mobility where different marginalised groups with social disadvantages are the stakeholders. Heath care workers are going through a major challenge both at personal, as well as professional level. At personal level, they have to adapt to the personal and organisational challenges of the reform. At professional level, they have to adapt to the new request of service users and day to day problems of social diversity and disadvantage. New inter and intra personal skills are needed to balance the professional capacities and existing challenges in health care.
Aims and target group
The main aim of the CarES project is to improve the quality of the health care delivery and wellbeing of health care workers, through the promotion of emotional intelligence (emotional self-regulation/ self-awareness and self-motivation) and reducing the level of social adversity through the promotion of social sensitivity (sensitivity towards social adversity and social skills for the reduction of the impact of adversity determinants) in health care. In addition, the CarES project will provide a web-based learning environment for those who might not have access to professional development programmes in the health care sector. To achieve this aim, CareES will construct a web-based learning environment to share the content of educational material. The Web 2.0 learning environment will contain training material on Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Sensitivity (SS) and it will seek to promote EI and SS competencies among the health care workers.
One of the main outcomes of CarES will be to improve the professional qualification of health workers through the promotion of a series of inter and intra personal competencies, resulting from the use of EI and SS, thus fostering a higher flexibility of health care workers that will allow them to quickly adapt to the changes that can occur in the health care sector. This will also improve the quality of life and the wellbeing of health care workers.
The project will increase the motivation and satisfaction of the workers of the health care sector, as they will be able to manage their work in an emotionally intelligent way; improving the quality of service (faster problem solving, personalised attention and social acceptance). The project will also promote the reduction of social adversity in health care. CarES will provide a sustainable resource for professional development and will promote continuous training for workers of the health care sector.
EU-Program: | Leonardo da Vinci-Transfer of Innovation |
Coordination: | Marmara University Pendik Research and Training Hospital |
Contact: | Karin Kronika |
Duration: | November 2012-October 2014 |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |