Promoting Core VET skills and competences for unskilled and semi-skilled employees in the tourism sector
A transfer of the successful LdV project “Basic Skills for Work” (2004-2007, coordinated by BEST) |
Background and target groups
The tourism industry is a big and important employer for many people in Europe, offering different access possibilities and profiles, particularly in the home countries of the project partnership (Croatia, Cyprus, Romania, Austria and Greece). To achieve better employment outcomes for unskilled and/or semi-skilled people who are either unemployed but wish to enter the tourism industry or those who are already working in the tourism industry but lack the necessary skills and competences to advance in their job, the CORE-VET project provides and reinforces vocational education and training possibilities.
Based on results of BEST’s former successful LdV project, “Basic skills for Work” (, the project focuses on three work environments:
- Reception and Front Office Services
- House Keeping Services
- Restaurant and Bar Services
Objectives and outcomes
CORE-VET provides an enhanced and optimized training tool targeting the core skills and competences for each of the above mentioned occupational sectors. This tool shall be accessible through an interactive and user friendly e-learning platform and is made available on-line. To support people in using this, the partnership develops a trainer’s/learner’s guide and a user-friendly e-learning tool.
EU-Program: | LLP, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of innovation |
Coordination: | Institute for Tourism, Zagreb (HRV) |
Contact: | Karin Kronika |
Duration: | November 2012 - Oktober 2014 |
Website: | |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |