Train intercultural mediators for a multicultural Europe |
During the last years many initiatives have been implemented in Europe for promoting interculturalism. Training and recruitment of intercultural mediators for immigrants (IMfI) has been among the measures taken to promote a better integration of migrants in the host country. In many cases, such actions have been short-lived, fragmented, isolated and disconnected to other related projects or local programmes. As a result, it is not possible to have a clear overview of the current state of intercultural mediation for immigrants at European level, while the transfer of practices amongh the Member States is obsolete.
Aims and Target Groups
TIME aims to identify and exchange good practices in the field of intercultural mediation, which will lead to the design of a training programme for both intercultural mediators and their trainers. TIME will also analyse existing structures in the partner countries and propose recommendations for the accreditation and certification of intercultural mediators’ training.
Partners and Outcomes
Eight partners from Greece, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Austria join their forces in order to depict for the first time an overview of the training and employing practices of intercultural mediators for immigrants, and produce the Research report on intercultural mediation for immigrants in Europe, as well as the following intellectual outputs:
- Description of Good Practices in IMfI on training, employment and evaluation
- Guide on the IMfI Profile and related learning outcomes
- Comprehensive IMfI Training course with comprehensive and structured material
- Training Programme for active and future IMfI trainers
- Recommendations for Validation, Certification and Accreditation of the IMfI training
EU-Program: | Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training |
Coordination: | Olympic Training & Consulting Ltd. (Greece) |
Contact: | Karin Kronika |
Duration: | September 2014 – August 2016 |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |