BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH

TWO o'clock

Time to work on advisors and coaches on vocational education and training


According to the European Commission (communication, 9/6/2010), the role of teachers and trainers is crucial in the modernisation of VET with special focus on their professional development and status in society. The future dominated by change presents new and also different challenges for both teachers and trainers in VET. To answer this, the TWO o’clock project was designed with the main objectives to adapt Teaching and Learning Advisor (TLA) and Learning Coach (LC) contents originally developed in the UK.

Aims, target group and activities

The overall aim of the TWO o’clock project is to increase the quality of European VET systems by providing more learning advice and coaching skills to VET teachers, trainers, managers and staff and adapting successful methodologies and tools to the needs of the target groups in the partnership countries, in which TLAs contain pedagogical approaches and the LCs bring the subject specific knowledge.

The TLA and LC products focus on each VET trainer’s, teacher’s or manager’s performance and their ROI to each VET organisation, so that VET promoters are able to use very efficient and low cost ways of improving their performance.

In effect, a transfer workshop and national training sessions contribute towards the acquisition and use of new knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal and professional development.

The project facilitates the development of innovative practises in the field of VET by selecting and translating the TLA and LC content into each partner language; creating national TLA and LC kits according to each country’s reality and specificities; piloting TLA and LC contents; creating a network of high-performing VET trainers, teachers, managers and staff, as well as developing innovative practises in the field of VET.

EU-Program: LLP, Leonardo da Vinci TOI
Coordination: City of Wolverhampton College (UK)
Contact: Karin Kronika
Duration: October 2011 – September 2013
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.