CAPACITyES – Children Against Poverty Awake the CITy Education System |
The project CAPACITyES challenges urban poverty considered by three main aspects: housing deprivation, children educational poverty and spatial segregation. These challenges occur in an urban context in a high percentage within families living in absolute or relative poverty, most of them migrants – a significant quota of these citizens are children.
The project elaborates an integrated approach that starts by offering a temporary (18 months) co-housing structure to families with children, both Italian and foreigners, in a proper social mix, waiting for social housing flats, giving them the opportunity to share accommodation and common areas. At the same time, the project addresses the challenge of children’s educational poverty, creating a new space for children (HubForKids) where they can attend cultural, artistic and sport activities, also supported by tutoring and scholarships, to also help in the integration process between Italian and foreigner children. This solution will be implemented applying an innovative approach focusing on a children perspective.
EU-Program: | UIA - Urban Innovative Actions |
Coordination: | Municipality of Bergamo (Italy) |
Contact: | Karin Kronika |
Duration: | September 2019 - August 2023 |