BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH


FARMS’ CHARM – Diversification of Entrepreneurial Activities as the Pathway to the Sustainable Farming at Rural Areas

The extreme tourism that Europe experienced before the Covid-19 pandemic brought a lot of problems, from threats for the historical monuments, destruction of nature, burdening the infrastructure and local People to deep negative effects on climate change. After the Covid-19 pandemic, according to UNWTO (2020), people start to re-evaluate their ways of travelling and think more about the ways how to spend holidays. For the first time in history, data show that the shift in priorities of tourists is visible.

It is this momentum that the FARMS’ CHARM project and its partnership in Austria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy and Spain want to use to support the development of sustainable tourism before the tourism sector gets “back to unsustainable normal” by focusing on educating agricultural mentors, advisors and trainers and thus providing currently lacking experts in the field of agri-tourism and rural tourism, who shall be able to share their knowledge and organise training to farmers in practice. Not only a development of “how-to” guidelines is planned, but also training activities providing opportunities for adult education providers in the area of agriculture, tourism and rural development for gaining new knowledge and know-how in this matter. These activities are supported by further educational opportunities on a training platform.

EU-Program: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Coordination: Asociace soukromeho zemedelstvi Ceske republiky (Czech Republic)
Contact: Karin Kronika
Duration: October 2022 - September 2024

This project (project n° 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-ADU-000089506) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.