BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH
June 2016

European Project DIDO

The european DIDO-Project „Developing innovative Didactics for Workplace Training“ has started and is trying to offer real on-the-job experience that makes it easier for some learners to acquire essential hard and soft skills. The DIDO project develops a suite of continuous professional development resources that address the didactic need of professionals, tutors, mentors of trainees, who work in a range of diverse workplace learning environments, helping them to ensure that quality learning experiences are available to all learners.

The first transnational meeting took place in April 2016 in Drogheda (Ireland) with participants from the partner-countries Austria, Cyprus, Italy, Romania, Slowenia and Switzerland. The following issues were discussed: Quality Management, guidelines for founding and administer local workgroups, frame conditions for development and publications, responsibilities and tasks for every partner and structure and usability of the website.

The second transnational meeting will take place in October 2016 in Palermo (Italy) and is planned as a Peer-Review Procedure. The project, data and learning goals will be shown to a bigger group of lobbyists. The project website and social media Sites will be presented to reach possible users and to gain further staff for the project.

For more information please visit: or write a message or visit

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