BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH


For 30 years now, the Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) (Labour Marktet Service) has been counting on the quality provided by BEST.

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Since 2005 BEST is a member of BABE (Berufsvereinigung der ArbeitgeberInnen privater Bildungseinrichtungen – Association of employers in private educational institutions) and part oft he management board.

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The European Social Fund (esf) promotes BEST´s commitment to a range of European initiatives in the field of education research and labour market policy.

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GCN General Consulting Network GmbH - a management consultancy firm in Vorarlberg - has been BEST´s partner since 2005.

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As a test centre for the ECDL (ICDL) BEST has been working together with the Austrian Computer Society since 1998.

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BEST is an accredited training institution with the Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungs Fond (Vienna Employees Endowment Fund).

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The internationally renowned enterprise KPMG closely cooperates with BEST via their headquarters in Belgrade. KPMG and BEST develop and implement innovative and sustainable concepts and projects in specified vocational education, consulting, capacity building and structural development, mainly for countries outside the EU.

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The labour market service of the bosnian federation cooperates with BEST in developing quality standards in vocational education.

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The norwegian Organization Fønix AS is one of the biggest in vocational education and rehabilitation and creates with BEST concepts and training models to train the basic skills and vocational education in organizations.

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The GEWERKSTATT gGmbH in Bochum develops with BEST concepts about the integration of migrants, asylum seekers and entitled to be granted asylum with focus on learning at the work place, ECVET and integrated training of language (german) and vocational skills.

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The Hessian State Parliament (HSM) is a longterm partner of BEST. Together they develop successful, innovative concepts in educational labour market projects for different kinds of target groups.

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