BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training GmbH

Action for Future

Action for Future – How to Initiate Active Engagement of Young Adults in European Local Communities and Societies

The Action for Future project combines the efforts of 5 partners, representing different regions of Europe – Germany and Austria, Bulgaria, Norway, and Italy. The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult education trainers in the delivery of training to disadvantaged young adults through a methodology based on design thinking and aimed at civic engagement and participation. By equipping adult trainers with a Design Thinking Manual and a Resource Book, we aim at increasing the quality of training provided to young adults, so that they can successfully engage in community development initiatives.

EU-Program: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Coordination: Startklar Soziale Arbeit gGmbH (Germany)
Contact: Helmut Kronika
Duration: October 2020 - October 2022

This project (project n° 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007415) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.