Workplace Enriched Language Course for Migrant Education |
After some years of rather steadily growing migration from Africa and Asia into Europe, the number of migrants has grown enormously since May 2015 with a recent peak in autumn 2015. Among the most affected countries – forming the consortium of this project proposal – are Turkey, Greece, Germany and Austria. Most newly arrived migrants come from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq and, other than compared to other migrants’ groups, are rather young men who have low or interrupted qualification or they belong to a higher educated middle class.
All of them bring a different cultural background with them and since then, the open questions of how to support integration – training and education being one core element – particularly for asylum title holders and minors who interrupted their vocational education and how to handle changes in the systems of those new home countries has not sufficiently been solved.
In this project the project consortium will adapt respectively further develop, use and disseminate for upscaling a methodology focusing on the combination of vocational training and language training needed for the education, qualification and integration of newly arrived migrants in the partner countries.
EU-Program: | Erasmus+, KA3, Social inclusion through Education, Training and Youth |
Coordination: | Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration (Germany) |
Contact: | Karin Kronika |
Duration: | December 2016 - November 2018 |
Website: | www.welcome-platform.eu/en/welcome |
This project (n° 580326-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |